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PetJava.com is the world's FIRST social network dedicated to all things pet. Need a new Pet Sitter, Veterinarian, Groomer, or Pet Supplies? Connect with Pet Care businesses near you.

Ever wanted to organize a play date for Rover? Meet local, like-minded Pet lovers easily through PetJava.com

Start your Pet Circle

PetJava.com helps you manage your Pets better. Easily add care information for Pets, Pet Friends & Family, and Pet Care businesses or services to your Pet Profiles.

Connect with Pet Friends

PetJava.com lets you search for new friends and businesses for your Pets. Join other PetCircles and add new Pet friends to your own PetCircle. PetJava.com also gives you access to local Pet-related classifieds. Find amazing Pet Care promos, coupons, and deals online!

Use Memories to create & share pictures, videos and events.

Document your Pets' growth! Did Rover learn a new trick? Everyone wants to see it! Show off unique pictures and videos of your Pets by adding them to your PetCircle.

Connect with local pet care businesses and services.

We help Pet Owners and Pet Care businesses connect through PetJava.com. Add & share your favourite Pet Care businesses to your PetCircle.
Are you a Pet Care business? Invite your customers and affiliates to our platform. Gain thousands of new customers. Don’t wait!!! Create a Pet Business Owner account today!

Don't Paw Around. Start Your Pet’s journey on PetJava.comToday!

It's free, it's easy, and it's fun. Find thousands of Pet Owners and Pet Care businesses, both local and global. Share funny & sweet pictures and videos of your Pets. Follow your Pets' growth and the growth of your friends' Pets. Discover it all at PetJava.com!